WELCOME Aboard Philly Knits "Yarn Bombers"!



What is 'Yarn Bombing'? 

For Philly Knits, yarn bombing is an artistic expression, a fun thing to do, and a great way to spread the Joy of The Fiber Arts to the public - which is our mission anyway! You can find a fairly good description here, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yarn_bombing. In our wake, we want to leave behind neighborhood knitting/crochet/sewing circles who can take over the yarn bombing project next year! In the past, Philly Knits has been involved in yarn bombing projects with Mellisa Haim at Morris Arboretum, The Barnes Foundation, and Awbury Arboretum. Now, we're striking out and targeting Philadelphia neighborhoods for projects large and small!  One exception, we do not wrap trees with fiber, not good for the tree! Otherwise, we're on a mission and our next target could be your neighborhood!


Feb 23, 2025: YarnBombing at the Philadelphia Airport - This week my neighbor sent me some photos, but there is more online info about the artist -


http://www.zerowasteamerica.org/Images/j0115834.gif IF YOU WANT TO JOIN THE PHILLY KNITS YARN BOMBERS, email me at LynnLandes@gmail.com. Right now we have no projects, so feel free to organize one yourself and we'll put the word out.

http://www.zerowasteamerica.org/Images/j0115834.gif The Philly Yarn Bombers are asking for donations of acrylic yarn (rainbow and other pride-themed colors). Please reach out to Kaleigh Hannigan to make arrangements for drop off near Rittenhouse Square > kaleigh.hannigan@gmail.com

http://www.zerowasteamerica.org/Images/j0115834.gif Philly Knits 'Yarn Bombers' are on Instagram.com/PhillyYarnBombers!  Send photos > kaleigh.hannigan@gmail.com

http://www.zerowasteamerica.org/Images/j0115834.gif FOR INSPIRATION!  Philly's Mellissa Haim & Nicole Nikolich